z*stonish Update

It's a busy fun week! Today I'll be hanging out at The Bakery from 5:30-7. Come stop by and say hi, I'll show you some magic! For more information on The Bakery check out the Friday section of this blog post.

Tuesday - I’m performing a special private event at the Minnehaha Country Club. This is my second year in a row performing for this group, and I know it'll be a lot of fun!

Thursday - I'll be performing magic on KSFY-ABC’s morning show. Tune in at around 6:30 in the morning!

Friday - To keep the media momentum going, I'll also be on KDLT-NBC’s morning show Friday morning at approximately 6:30am as well.

Then at 12pm I'm sponsoring Free Friday at The Bakery! The Bakery is a fairly new establishment in Sioux Falls created for entrepreneurs, artists, businesses, and like minded people to meet and collaborate. Every Friday there is a sponsor who provides free lunch and gives a short presentation. I'm beyond excited to be presenting this Friday! My performance is titled, “Magic, Hypnosis, and the Psychology of Misdirection” If you are in the Sioux Falls area definitely stop by to get some free food and watch some incredible magic.

For more information check out The Bakery website.

Then at 3:50pm I'll be seeing the premier of Star Wars The Force Awakens. Which is easily one of the most anticipated movies that I've been looking forward to in a long time.

Saturday - I'll be taking a short trip to Minneapolis to see Blue Man Group perform. I may or may not have an unhealthy obsession with Blue Man Group lol. This will be my 8th or 9th time seeing them perform. If you haven't heard of them or seen what they do please click here to watch a YouTube video!

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Location:W 45th St,Sioux Falls,United States

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